Monday, August 10, 2009

Quotes on Laughter

Why we are laughing ?
Ancient Philosophers say about laughter :

Philosopher Aristotle said "We laugh at those who are less of us and for ugly people, and joy comes from the feeling that we are the top layer of them"

Philosopher Hegel said "Laughter arises as a result of the contradiction between the concept and the true meaning HIDDEN provided by this concept. "

Philosopher Freud said "The Laughter phenomenon, and her function of launching psychological energy that was mobilized in improper or false expectations. "

John Morreall
Philosopher John Morreall said " he laughter humanitarian him biological origins as a form of expression when the traffic risk. "

Peter Marteinson
Philosopher Peter Marteinson said "Laughter is a response to the perception that recognizes that social being is not something real. "

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